Friday, 28 September 2012

Thing 2 - RSS, twitter and alerts

I can say from a preview of thing 2 that there is lots to learn and it will come in 3 parts.

Best plan some time especially for it! 

Friday, 21 September 2012

This blog tells you more about Journaltocs

Blog post promoting journaltocs for institutions.

I don't normally associate blogs with marketing but this one reached my librarian's ears well: they pricked up and listened.

I think the conversational style of the blog, coupled with the fact that the promoter has worked in the profession made me listen all the more. Interesting how well a blog post can reach it's intended audience.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Test to see if I can post a picture!

Well it doesn't seem like I can host an image here - perhaps that's as it an older version of Internet Explorer I am using (IE 7) at work.

I'll try at home.

Jill had the same problem

Anyone else using IE 7 with the same problem?
An life
Now that I'm at home I am at liberty to post a picture of the liffey An Life in Gaelic, which empties into the Irish sea.

Monday, 17 September 2012

blog example from EPHRU

Fairs fare

This blog is provided by Essex Public Health resource unit and it provides information on current issues in this sphere.
I find it does that successfully.The tags would allow one to find similar posts. If I worked in the PH area I imagine that this might be a resource I would look at from time to time. 

Friday, 14 September 2012

Hello 12things

It seems that this will be an interesting course and being smaller with fewer things than other similar courses it will take the pressure off.